Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation supports the mission and vision of Presbyterian SeniorCare Network and its affiliates by securing financial resources, building relationships and creating a culture that values philanthropy and stewardship.
Like many charities, Presbyterian SeniorCare Network relies on donations to help fund the innovative programs and services that we provide to the older adults in our care. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization whose sole purpose is to raise funds and to process all donations for Presbyterian SeniorCare Network locations and affiliates:
- Oakmont and Washington campuses
- Manchester Commons in Erie
- Shenango on the Green in New Wilmington
- Longwood at Oakmont
- Supportive housing communities across the region
Led by a committed board of directors and dedicated staff, Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation focuses on raising funds for our greatest need: Charitable care to assist our care community residents who have outlived their resources.
1215 Hulton Road
Oakmont, PA 15139
T: 412-826-6195
Foundation Staff
Board of Directors
Scott A. Pipitone
Director & Chair
Thomas J. Uram
Director & Vice Chair
Doreen E. Boyce, Ph.D.
Director & President
Michael L. Chaido, Esq.
Ted Dufresne
The Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Jones
Danielle Larson
Sarah Meehan Parker
Louis E. Waller
James B. Pieffer
Director & President
J. Greg Malisky
Jacqueline S. Flanagan, CFRE
Executive Director and Secretary
The official corporate name is Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation
EIN #56-2289600
We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The official registration and financial information of Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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